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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Pokemon birthday cake 口袋妖怪蛋糕

 Happy 6th birthday Lee How

Free handmold 3d Pokemon Characters and Pokemon Ball:
Picachu, Bulbasaur,Himontlee,Meowth,
Poko Ball,Ultra Ball and Master Ball
Thanks Rachel for repeat order.

Birthday cake album 
Lightning McQueen birthday cake for Lee How 1st birthday Party

Pokemon birthday cake for Lee How 6th birthday Party.

My Little Ponny birthday cake for Kai Yii 6th birthday Party.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Mr Bean birthday cake 憨豆先生蛋糕

Happy 4th birthday Evvan Chua

Handmold 3d edible Mr. Bean  and Teddy figurines.

Thanks May for support and repeat order.

Evvan's birthday cake album 
4th and 5th birthday
Ethan Chua and Evvan Chua's
birthday cake album.
 Class activity cupcakes and farewell cake.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Race Car cake 跑车蛋糕

Happy 4th birthday Addin

Thank you Tini for order.

Handcraft 3d racing car.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Singing birthday cake 歌唱蛋糕

Happy 66th birthday

Elaine given a suprice party for her beloved mother .

Thanks Elaine for repeat order